Sunday, November 16, 2014

Eric Tunney's Digital Video Assignment

Assignment Title: Eric Tunney's Digital Video Assignment

Uses in the Classroom: Using a digital video in the classroom gives teachers another format to reach students.  Students do not all learn the same way and giving them a visual, demonstration, or interactive tour (among others) can only help.  In some cases, a video may be the only way to truly capture the essence of the lesson.  In this example, I explain and demonstrate the hamstring curl exercise.  While I can very easily demonstrate this in class, this video would be made available online for students to use when needed.  Not only would this be useful throughout the trimester but as exams approach this week, these videos would be an extremely beneficial tool for many students as they could access them and review their muscles, uses, and exercises.

Issues to Consider:  Depending on how many and how often videos are used, storage of these videos may be an issue.  An external hard drive may be needed for the teacher to store the videos or they could use an online service such as google drive or dropbox.  Sharing the videos shouldn't necessarily be a problem assuming students have a device and internet access however giving students those videos could open the door for students to get creative with cheating.  Students could store these videos and access them during quizzes and tests.  However, this is and should be easily eliminated as teachers should create questions where simple rote memorization cannot answer them but rather use questions with critical thinking and unique answers.

Copyright: This video was created by the author of this blog Eric Tunney

Hamstring Curls

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